Disadvantaged children growing and learning in a safe and healthy environment

What Have We Accomplished?

We have come to the end of our year. It has been both an honor and a privilege to work with the wonderful faculty, staff, and kids of Rising Star Outreach and Peery Matriculation School for Rising Stars. Gordon has served as school principal and school director. Vickie has served as hostel warden, medical clinic aide, and assistant to the doctors for our leprosy colony medical outreach. Let us share these last few photos and some thoughts about our year.

What have we accomplished? We taught and learned and held nighttime homework sessions in the cool outdoors.

We hosted families for Parents Day on the first Saturday of each month.

We provided medical care, even when there was no electricity.

We played together, especially cricket and football.

We ate together.

We got to know and love our village neighbors.

We made many wonderful friends of all sizes.

And we learned to work together.

So now it's time to say goodbye. Vickie and I will go back to America and the kids will go home to their parents and grandparents to enjoy a holiday and prepare for another school year. It has been good. Perhaps we have done something useful. We hope so.

We love you, Rising Stars.


mattyanddeidre said...

What an adventurous year you've had. We have enjoyed your blog and look forward to seeing you very soon (next week)!

Heidi said...

What an amazing experience. I can't wait to hear all about it when you arrive home.

Mandy said...

I am so glad that you had a meaningful and impacting experience. I know that what you did helped all of those children and the parents there. Congrats! Welcome home almost.... :) BYU will be happy you are back. I'm graduating in 2 weeks!

Ben and Summer said...

It makes me so sad to see you have to leave the people you've grown so much to love. But at the same time I'm SO EXCITED for you to come home. It's going to make my life and Emma's life much more fun - sometimes we get a little bored here... You have accomplished so much good and are being and will continue to be so blessed for your service to God's children:) We can't wait to see you - please travel safely.

Ben and Summer said...

GREAT pictures, by the way!

great grandma phelon said...

You have made a real contribution to the children in India. Their loss is our gain. We will be excited to have you home again.

With Love,
Kathy Phelon